
Warmly Congratulations on Successful Delivery of First Domestic Large Commercial CSP Demonstration Power Station-Key Equipment "Oil-and-Salt Heat Exchanger" of 50MW CSP Demonstration Project of CGN in Delingha!

The key equipment "oil-and-salt heat exchanger" manufactured by WCE for 50MW CSP demonstration project of CGN in Delingha, the first domestic large commercial CSP demonstration power station was successfully delivered on November 30, 2017, which set the milestone as the first batch of domestic CSP demonstration projects.

With our extensive experience in the design and manufacturing of high-quality heat exchangers in the oil and gas as well as CSP markets, WCE has ultimately accomplished this seemingly mission impossible.The quality and the delivery date fully meet the requirements of the customers and WCE has been well acknowledged by the customers, which greatly enchanes our company's influence and brand awareness in markets home and abroad.

Wuxi Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved | SuICP No. 07004455   |  Technical support :WUXILIEBAOTEC

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