
Good news: Winning the Bid for the Project for Comprehensively Processing and Utilizing 3.2 mtpa Light Dydrocarbon of Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

In January 2019, WCE won the Bid for the EOEG high flux heat exchangers in the Project for comprehensively processing and utilizing 3.2mtpa light dydrocarbon of Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd..

Lianyungang Petrochemical Co., Ltd., as a subsidiary wholly-owned by Zhejiang Satellite Petrochemical Co., Ltd.,  the largest acrylic acid production enterprisein China and the top five in the world the largest acrylic ester textile chemical production enterprise in China, as well as the largest pigment intermediate producer and centralized supplier of synthetic intermediate raw materials in China. 

It is reported that the Project for comprehensively processing and utilizing 3.2 mtpa light dydrocarbon includes two sets of 1.25 mtpa ethane to ethene cracking units, supporting utilities and auxiliary facilities. Therefore, the project is to first carry out million-ton ethane to ethene cracking in China, and scheduled to be completed and put into operation in August 2020.

Wuxi Chemical Equipment Co., Ltd.  All rights reserved | SuICP No. 07004455   |  Technical support :WUXILIEBAOTEC

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